Lifestyle Medicine Course

Learn to make healthy lifestyle choices.

An introduction to lifestyle medicine

Kinwell now offers a course on lifestyle medicine, the approach to primary care that centers daily habits as a way to prevent and treat chronic conditions like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular heart disease. This program of medical appointments addresses the pillars of healthy living identified by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

  • Whole food diet
  • Physical activity
  • Stress management
  • Avoiding risky substances
  • Restorative sleep
  • Social connection

Over the course of six to eight weeks, Dr. Kathleen Tonti-Horne and Health Coach Heidi Beer encourage a group of eight to twelve patients to adopt tactics for managing challenging health conditions. This course takes place via secure MyChart Zoom call and each session allows for the group to share their experiences and ask questions.

The fall courses starts in September with 60-minute sessions over eight consecutive weeks. Winter sessions start in November and continue over seven consecutive weeks to accommodate for holidays.

Want to start changing your daily routine? Ask your Kinwell clinician if our lifestyle medicine course is right for you. To learn more about these group appointments, the fees involved, and to register, call (206) 690-5852.

Dr. Kathleen Tonti-Horne

Dr. Kathleen Tonti-Horne earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Dominican College of San Rafael and her Doctorate of Medicine from the University of California, Irvine. She completed her residency in Family Practice at the Eau Claire Family Medicine Clinic at the University of Wisconsin. She is certified by the American Board of Family Practice and has over twenty years of experience practicing medicine in California and Washington.

Heidi Beer

Heidi Beer is a board-certified Health and Wellness Coach and has worked in the field for over 30 years. Her degree is in Exercise Science, where she holds a passion for ensuring exercise is beneficial and fun. She has an extensive background as a specialist in behavior change, fitness, diabetes, and nutrition. She has been a multi-sport coach along with enjoying participating in duathlons, triathlons, and winter activities. As a Health and Wellness Coach, Heidi can offer support, empathy, and accountability in the areas you want to improve on.