Summers in Washington underscore the benefits of good health. With longer days and abundant natural beauty, these weeks of sunshine really are why residents endure months of winter gloom. Whether you enjoy hiking, sailing, swimming, or strolling through a farmers market, enjoying your best health is never more appreciated. Kinwell’s advanced primary care can help you stay healthy and treat any summertime setbacks that might come your way.
Common summer conditions
Washington state offers just about anything an outdoor enthusiast could want. As we enjoy the region’s natural beauty, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved in your favorite summer activities. These range from sunburns to the cuts, scrapes, and sprains. Among the most common ailments Kinwell clinicians treat during the summer months are the following:
- Sun burn
- Food poisoning
- Heat stroke
- Viral gastroenteritis
- Poison oak
To avoid illness and injury in our great outdoors, follow these simple steps:
- Use sunscreen and reapply throughout the day.
- Stay hydrated and pack extra water.
- Keep perishable food at a safe temperature in a cooler.
- Stretch before ambitious activities to increase your range of motion and prevent falls.
- Wear appropriate safety gear including helmets, gloves, and shoes.
- Pack water, food, shelter, first aid, an extra layer of clothing, and a means of communication when exploring wild areas.
- Make sure your outdoor equipment is in good working order after it has been sitting unused for months.
Summer nutrition
One of the best ways to stay healthy is to take advantage of our quick growing season. Locally grown fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients and readily available. As temperatures rise, light plant-based dishes are refreshing and healthy. Just be sure to wash fresh produce thoroughly.
If you’d like to combine a healthy activity with nutritious eating, consider growing your own food in a backyard garden or community P-Patch. The physical exercise of planting, weeding, and harvesting will make the resulting produce even more satisfying.
Get a good night’s sleep
Washington’s long summer days can challenge your circadian rhythm as much as the long winter nights. Through our short summer, it’s tempting to work more activity into each day, missing out on needed rest. Make the most of each day by setting aside 7-9 hours for sleep. Warm nights can also impact the quality of your rest. Take steps to create a cool ventilated space for sleep and set a regular time to wind down from your day with calming activities. Check out this article on designing a restorative sleep routine.
Emotional well-being
There are so many activities available during the summer months that you may feel pulled in a variety of directions. Fortunately, our great outdoors can be their own solution to summertime stress. Studies show that getting out of the urban environment and experiencing nature can reduce anxiety and increase mindfulness and emotional resilience.
Whether you find nature in a local park or on a distant mountain, the mental health benefits are the same. The key factors are greenery and trees, and Washington has an abundant supply of both.
And if you need care
Kinwell’s doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants can treat any of your summertime care needs. Advanced primary care begins with available appointment times, including virtual care that is accessible from anywhere in the state. Whether you need care for a sunburn, a scrape, or an upset stomach, your primary care team will provide treatment that may prevent an expensive trip to urgent care and get you back to enjoying everything summer has to offer.
Established patients can schedule an appointment through their MyChart account. New patients can schedule by visiting Kinwellhealth.com or calling 833-411-5469.