The end of summer and return to school presents the excitement and challenges of new routines, new environments, and new acquaintances. Here are some steps parents can take to make this transition a positive one for their young scholars.
Make a list
Parents can work with children to create a to-do list of tasks to accomplish before the first school bell rings. There are supplies to buy, clothes to make ready, and classes to choose. Don’t forget to include summer activities you want to enjoy while the sun shines. Planning ahead can make the most of your summer and relieve stress in the fall.
Get ready in August
Ease the transition from summer-mode to school-mode by gradually introducing some fall habits to your summer routine. Set regular bedtimes and wake-up times. Practice a morning routine. Take on chores and craft projects that reinforce the idea of completing assignments on time.
It might seem strange to practice the first day of school, but a trial run can highlight items that didn’t make your to-do list. See if your school has any open house events. If your child will be attending a new school, show them around their new surroundings and plan a safe route to campus or the bus stop.
Make a space
Set up a space that will be dedicated to schoolwork. Preparing a dedicated space for academics will remind children that school is right around the corner.
Talk about feelings
Nervousness at starting school is normal. The transition between elementary and middle school, or junior high and high school can be particularly fraught. Discuss the potential hazards of school such as bullying and fighting. Give your children clear instructions on how to treat others with respect and handle difficult situations. Kinwell’s behavioral health program serves patients of all ages and can treat anxiety, stress, and other conditions.
See your clinician
Make sure your child’s health checkups have been completed and they are up to date on state health requirements. The Washington State Department of Health provides a complete list of required vaccinations. Many schools require a sports physical before a student participates in organized athletics. Your Kinwell clinician can make sure your child is ready to hit the books and take to the field.
A little preparation through August will help smooth the transition to the academic year and help students focus on learning. Kinwell can help address any health concerns related to the start of school. Schedule an appointment through your Kinwell MyChart app or call 833-411-5469.